Now I see what all the fuss is about. Damn hillarious... Only if you can stand all the obscenities and degrading jokes. But Borat's mostly making fun of Americans, so what the hell do I care?
i never knew what the whole Borat fuss was about also. anyhoo, i downloaded it. thanks to you blogging about it. i shall watch it and comment on it here again.
Don't ask me why my blog is called Hotaspink. I know I could've added an extra 's' to make a statement but I've gone past that.
The main reason for the birth of this space was for an environmentally-friendly ranting page (bulky diaries are so last season!) but occasionally I blog about happy things and post colourful pictures.
I'm no writer but my all-time favourite author is Enid Blyton, hands down. It's pretty depressing to grow up and realise that fairies don't live behind my house (because the gutter smells) and we will never have winter here in Malaysia. But I've gone past that as well.
You'll know more about me as you scroll along the pages. For friends who crave for dirty details, you know the number to call. As for strangers, you'll have to read between the lines.
Hey darlin' HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Hope the new year gives you new hope and all the bst in everything you do.
My deepest thoughts are with you at all times.
Love you bunches
Dar xoxoxoxox
i never knew what the whole Borat fuss was about also. anyhoo, i downloaded it. thanks to you blogging about it. i shall watch it and comment on it here again.
hah!! :)
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