
I'm feeling rather deperate right now for my hair to grow long overnight. No... I didn't pull off a Britney "Oops, I shaved my head" Spears. I just miss having long locks :(

Back when I was an intern at ACP

Zany students + Equally zany lecturer

Who could resist a Baskin Robbin's 31% promo? Such clever marketing strategy they have...

With Danny for our Air Asia presentation. You'll never guess which brand's shirt I'm wearing ;)

My 20th birthday

Was bored in UTAR library, so camwhored lo. At least I'm not like that slob behind me...

My favourite camwhore picture (which didn't require any Photoshop)

So how ah? Should I keep holding on until I have long hair or keep chopping 'em off? Choices... Choices... Any suggestions? Perhaps remedies on how to make my hair grow long faster?