I saw these two little things in the pastry counter of Étoile and I bought 'em right away. They were just screaming "Buy me! Eat me!" into my face. I couldn't resist and gave into temptations. But right at this moment they're still resting in Mr. Bun's fridge 'cause I was too full and tired to eat anymore last night. Maybe it's their sinister plan to trick into freeing them from the dessert counter. Hmmm...
Strawberry tart
Mango something...
Walked around to check out the place for a bit and then I saw it. I saw people carrying bags with boxes of it. I stopped and stared in shock. How could this be? Is this for real? Am I not imagining things? Or am I? Then I snapped out of it and (in the words of Mr. Bun) like an aunty, went over to ask where in the world can I get some of those. "Downstairs", said the shocked girl. So I dragged the guys downstairs and threatened not to let them go back to the office if I didn't get any. What is 'IT' you ask? My friends, I present to you the most awesome thing to have happened to KL-lites since my birth 22 years ago...
'Nuff said.