What would I do?

Some people always randomly discuss about what superhero powers they'd like to own. I never really gave that a serious thought until tonight. If I had a chance to choose, I'd want to have the power to eliminate stupidity from other stupid human beings' minds. We all could live with a little bit more of decisiveness and start to pay more attention to the details in our lives. But alas! Some folks just don't get it, do they?


Chindiana said...

Eliminate stupidity???

Then they'd all be a brainy as you! no point ler. Less an entertaining world like that...

Jasmine Lai said...

I would tend to agree with her (assuming your name is Diana Chin?)

Stupid people make the world a sooo much more fun place. We need clowns and dofusses around to make us feel smart....to me at least! =p

Ashley Liew said...

Hahaha... Poor Chindiana. Wrestle bears before breakfast all your life and you get called Diana Chin.

But I gotta admit Jasmine. That was a good one. Mr. Chindiana Jones here is like your Jon lar. Chindian = Chindiana Jones, geddit?

Chindiana said...

Damn, DIANA?????????

Thanks Jasmine....