Pink Princess Party

I may have recently just turned 25 years old but I guess I'll never grow to be mature enough on the inside. I just stumbled across this fantastic blog and I totally fell in love with this Pink Princess Party. It's very sweet and girly, but not tacky in any way. Just the right amount of pink-ness. I wonder if anyone is generous enough to throw me a party of this degree?

The Meat Dress

The lady has done it again. I wonder how she keeps upstaging her own antics. How is she going to top this? The Internet is exploding with images of the raw meat dress that Lady Gaga wore to the recent MTV Music Awards, and then again to a taping of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. As gruesome as it looks, I actually think there is a high level of workmanship being put into the meat dress. Well, except the ass part. I guess it doesn't really matter since Lady Gaga doesn't fancy covering up her bits anyways. Feast your eyes on the pictures and you be the one to judge (pun intended).

Feeling dejected

Maybe Abby was right. Maybe I am meant to wear authentic goods and should not subject myself to buying 'inspired' stuff. Do you think I make good excuses to make myself feel better since the shoes I ordered are no more in stock? *sigh* Vanity Fair isn't doing much to help lift my spirits up. I'm talking to you UK office people!! The September issue isn't available in the bookstores till today. Don't bother asking me about the US edition. It's been sold out since August. pfft.

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My decor live savers

I've posted a new blog roll on the bottom right column. I found these links to some gorgeous home decor sites via because im addicted. The beautiful colours and furnitures make me very happy - at least until I need to fork out the moolah to buy them. These will be very useful for ideas and inspirations when our new home is ready. I might have enough time to save up some funds if I start now.